CLACK WS1 SF 1252 Water Softener (softening, iron remover)

Structurally, the softener CLACK WS1 SF 1252 is made in the form of a cylindrical column with an automatic control valve on top.
Inside the column is a lifting pipe with distribution grids, filled up to 60% of its height with filter media
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Price on request
The softener SF 1252  for removal of hardness of water, gathers from the standardized accessories. The difference with other companies can only be in the manufacturer of components and their quality.
The Clack control valve for water softening is adjusted once when the system is installed according to the calculated water analysis data. All installed settings are saved when the valve is turned off. Thus, even with a power outage, the softener will work and remove hardness.
The marking of the SF water softening plant is formed as follows:
  • S - means SOFTENER (softening)
  • F - denotes filter (filter)
  • from 08 to 48 — the first two digits are the diameter of the filter housing in inches (1 inch = 2.6 cm);
  • from 44 to 72 - the second two numbers indicate the height of the filter in inches;
  • And (if any) - indicates that the installation of a continuous softening (two filters);
Technical specifications:
  • Ion exchange resin - 50 liters ;
  • Drainage distribution system
  • Automatic control valve Clack WS1 CI;
  • Back-salt bath;
  • Productivity - 4 m3 / hour;
  • The volume of the filtering charge - 50 liters;
  • The volume of the salt tank - 100 liters;
  • Connection to the pipeline (in / out) - 1 inch;
  • Connection to the sewer - 1 inch.